Monday, March 30, 2009


When we were a child, we always wanted to grow up so that we could walk like others

When we started walking, we longed to go to school and finish our studies.

After completing with school we wanted to go to college to study further and pursue a degree.

After studying we thought now its time to earn some money for present and future

So after working for 8 hours, we thought lets do overtime and earn some extra buck

So after getting settled with job, we wanted to get married, and after getting married we wanted to have a child. And after having a child we wanted to have a second child. Than we wanted our children to grow old fast and get married and get settled in their life.

Phew!! So are we satisfied now? Oh yes but now it’s the time to go to Heaven darling ;)

“Don’t take life so seriously .Enjoy it before it melts”

1 comment:

Bala said...


We humans always miss the oppurtunity to enjoy the present, by either thinking about the past or planning for the future...

but enjoying the present gives the meaning to the one we achived...

It is not about satisfaction, but it is realisation of the present matters...